Thursday 3 October 2019



5.1.1 Discuss The Issue, Trends, Future Outlook For Global Tourism

Technology plays a vital role in tourism and hospitality. It has the capacity to increase the efficiency of business operations and also improve the customer experience. Technology are very important in today’s tourism industry. We must follow the trends because nowadays people always use technology to do everything such as online shopping, chatting and dealing. Technology have positive and negative too if we use it for the important things.

There are a lot of  positive technology that we can know in travel industry. One of the positive is Internet of Thing, which involves internet-based inter-connectivity between everyday devices, allowing to both send and receive data. With that way, tourism industry is going to be increase year by year .For example, IoT technology can be used in hotel rooms to provide customers with a device that connects to everything from lights, to the heaters and air conditioning  ,allowing all to be controlled in one place.

Next, robotic, idea of robot being deployed regularly within the tourism and hospitality industry would have seemed like the work of a science fiction writer. Yet, it is becoming increasingly prevalent, with artificially intelligent robots, often equipped with speech recognition technology, being use in place of information points by chains like Hilton. Robots are utilized for a variety of other reasons like in airport, they can be used to detect concealed weapons, while some manufacturers are also using robotics to create luggage cases thet intelligently follow you.

Then, technology have a big data is very important in tourism management. One of the biggest uses of for this data is to improve personalization, with travel companies using the information they gather to make specific adjustment to their offerings. Another valuable use for data is to analized current business performance. In particular, hotel owners can use big data for revenue management purposes, using historic occupancy rates and other past trends to better anticipate levels of demand.

The negative of technology is there are almost tourist are old that they do not know about the technology and trends now .It useless if we promote online to attract the elder tourist to come to our hotel but they do not know how to use the technology like youth generation .Tourism industry should make events about their offerings and promoting their hotel or resorts because all of the ages people like to come and join the events than use a technology.

The dermographics identity of tourist the use technology to travel.A female users only (56%) are more than male tourist (44%).This rate follow that found in the survey of WTO (2008) on youth travel underlining increasingly important role of female travellers in youth market.Regarding the age, the age group 16-18 tourist in percentage 19%, the ages from 19-22 in propotion 21%, the group 23-25 years old approximately 26% and the older age group 26-29 reached the highest percentage 34%.

As a conclusion,we must use and apply the technology in our  daily life but not too much because it will give us harms.We as a tourist must follow the trends because technology will be updated year by year and increase level by level.In the framework of the extending of social networking , tourism claims its position in internet world through the effort to approach potential travellers in their virtual environment in every ways.

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