5.2. Discuss the significance of Muslim travelers in international and domestic tourism.
Nowadays, Muslim travelers is as major contributor to the tourism industry. It is due to its large number of population in the world. Muslim travelers is Muslims for whom compliance with religious observances when away from home is an important consideration. Muslim travelers has huge impact in international and domestic tourism. There are a few importance of Muslim travelers in tourism and hospitality industry.
International Tourism.
The contribution of Muslim traveler in tourism industry provide plenty of jobs opportunities. It is because Muslim’s acts are limited and subject to the teachings of their beliefs. Its means, there so many prohibitions in Muslim’s lifestyle. Because of that, there were a lot of the international accommodations such as hotel that serve halal food. So they were hire a specialist in halal food.
The economy in the country where the Muslim traveler comes will significantly increase. The presence of these tourists is due to the facilities available especially to Muslim travelers such as praying room and etc. A Muslim’s friendly tourism also is a reason that attract the Muslim travelers. This is because easy to find halal food.
This Muslim traveler will affects the awareness of being more professional in welcoming and entertaining guests regardless of their religious background.
Domestic Tourism
- Impacts on Economic
There are increasing number of travel agencies starting to develop Muslim packages in Malaysia and even outside Malaysia. This will help to generate more income to Malaysia especially through tourist from the Middle East who well known with high spending power. Islamic tourism product can be as the medium to attract more tourists and becoming a powerful weapon to meet the attraction of visitors religious fulfillment. Islamic tourism provides a lot of job opportunities for local people especially for those who are emphasizing the Islamic lifestyle. For example in hospitality, this industry usually hardly hiring workers who are wearing hijab especially in the hotel industry. Similarly, Islamic tourism has triggered the establishment of a Syaria compliance hotel where workers are free to wear hijab to serve their customers. The relationship between hosts and guests is conceived primarily for the blessing of God and other aspects are secondary.
- Impacts on Social
Islamic tourism seems to act as a factor or medium to increase the relationship between Muslim people around the world. Leisure and mass tourism usually related to negative impacts to the local residents especially for social and cultural impact. However, the relationship of tourism and religion can reduce the risk of negative encounters between tourist and the host . This is due to the claims that it provides less negative tourism impact to since it does not involve prohibited activities such as drinking alcohol, illegal spouse according to Syaria, and kissing openly in the public.
- Impacts on Environment
Islamic tourism contributes less environmental impacts since this product usually related to the place with controlled activities such as visitation to mosques, pertaining Halal food and high consideration to cleanliness since Islam taught is very particular about it. Since the activities of Islamic tourism consist the appreciation of God’s creations, less vandalism will happen to the environment due to the belief that environment is also the creatures of God that need to be conserved and protect.
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