Thursday 3 October 2019


5.2 Muslim travelers travel for the same reasons as any other tourist to explore
the different destinations and experience their unique culture. However they
do not wish to compromise on their beliefs and have certain requirements
and needs when travelling such as the availability of Halal food and prayer
facilities at their selected destination. Destinations that are able to provide
these facilities and meet the requirements of Halal-conscious travelers are
generally preferred amongst Muslims. According to its positive sources,
Muslim tourists bring many benefits to the tourism industry. Example,
Understanding the unique needs of Muslim travelers can benefit
destinations, accommodation providers, travel agents, restaurants, airlines,
government associations and any travel-related entity. By evaluating their
current offerings and upgrading a few facilities, it is possible to better serve
Muslim travelers and become the preferred choice amongst the entire market
segment. Many destinations across the world have identified this potential
and are adapting their offerings to better appeal to the Muslim travel market.
One such example is Japan. In a bid to diversify its tourism industry, the
Japanese Government is implementing plans to increase the availability of
Halal food, prayer facilities and other Muslim-friendly facilities. In addition,
the arrival of Muslim tourists to a country will boost the country's economy.
With the advent of Islamic tourists, the halal industry is expanding all over
the country and can provide a lucrative income to a country. Then, another
positive of Muslim travelers is that non-Muslim locals can strengthen their
relationship with Muslim tourists by knowing their culture. With good
relationships, non-Islam and Islam can develop a developing economy in the future. In the meantime, the arrival of Muslim tourists could further the
spread of Islam in less developed countries in the country. With this spread,
some locals will be interested in learning more about Islam. Indeed, Muslim
tourists bring many benefits to some country that can boost the economy of
the country. The typical Muslim consumer is now younger, educated and has
a larger disposable income. This has led to an inclination for travel.
Consequently, the travel and hospitality industry has now become one of the
largest markets within the Muslim consumer space. Muslim tourism is not
about changing or creating new products and services. Instead, destinations
would only need to make minor adaptations and adjustments to fully
accommodate the needs of Muslims. At the same time, the halal industry can
also grow with the arrival of Muslim tourists. Tourism businesses must
understand the requirements of Muslim tourists and take the necessary
measures to satisfy them without inconveniencing non-Muslim customers. It
is also necessary to communicate effectively with Muslim markets.

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